
Beat the Cold Sore Blues

Here's a statistic that may amaze you... almost 90% of the western world population has the herpes simplex virus which is the virus that causes cold sores. Out of that percentage, only a small portion of adults seek treatment for this virus from their doctor.  I don't have to tell you how embarrassing and depressing it is to get that big red sore on your lip right before your big date or meeting.

I would like to share how you can get your cold sore outbreaks under control by controlling the triggers of the outbreaks, controlling stress and controlling your body's ph level. Once you know these tips you can get your self esteem back and enjoy life without worrying about those embarrassing sores again.

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First, be aware of the triggers of a cold sore outbreak. Excessive exposure to sunlight, fatigue and colds or fevers are the most common. You should protect your face and lips with lip balm, sunscreen and a hat to shade the face when you have to be out. in the sun. Fatigue can be controlled by getting the sleep you need each night. Take precautions to control your exposure to others that show cold symptoms.

Second, you should understand that controlling your body's ph is important in keeping the herpes virus dormant. The virus thrives in an acidic environment which in the human body is a ph level below 7.0. You can regulate your ph by reducing your consumption or avoiding acidic foods and junk foods. Make sure you are getting enough water each day and consider adding an alkalizer supplement to your diet. Increasing the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream will also go a long way towards keeping the virus dormant. There are supplements available that go directly into the bloodstream when they contact stomach acids.

Thirdly, we have to talk about controlling stress.  Stress and tension will increase the acidity of your system so it is important to find ways to reduce them. Moderate exercise is very beneficial and has the added benefit of introducing oxygen into your system. Meditation and relaxation exercises are very helpful in controlling stress.

We have looked at three ways you beat the Cold Sore Blues  by controlling the triggers of the outbreaks, controlling stress and controlling your body's ph level. If you follow through in these areas you can say goodbye to those ugly outbreaks.

Click here to get more information on ways to banish cold sores forever.

                Click Here to Get Effective Treatments for Cold Sores